TD Sales

Helping carriers secure direct shippers.

Do you want to reduce your dependency on brokers? Would you like to grow or expand
your customer base? If so, we can help!
TD Sales maintains a large and growing shipper community and in turn helps asset
based carriers contract directly with shippers that align well with them – minimizing
the need for brokers.
Carriers and shippers both gain by dealing directly with one another, creating
sustainable and direct relationships. Since many fleets have a limited or no sales force,
we offer carriers a proven sales solution without the risk!

TD Dispatch

A dispatch solution for any fleet.

Whether you’re a large fleet with unseated trucks or a small fleet owner looking to
grow, TD Driver Dispatch may be the answer you’re looking for.

TD Dispatch handles the day to day necessities of dispatching drivers, handling of
the all dispatcher requirements….

  • Planning
  • Dispatching
  • Communicating with the driver
  • Scheduling
  • Booking backhauls
  • Problem solving
  • Addressing driver issues
  • Working through payroll issues
  • Scheduling home-time

At the fraction of a cost of a full time employee, TD Dispatch is a proven solution to small and larger fleets alike.
If its finally time to reduce your grind and focus on your strategic growth – contact us now!

TD Driver Connect

For carriers looking at add qualified drivers.

TD Driver Connect operates a driver recruiting program for any fleet size. Our no risk offering helps carriers seeking to fill unseated trucks or expand their fleet size.

Each and every driver is vital to every carrier’s success, but not every driver is looking for the same thing. TD Driver Connect focuses on finding the needs of the driver first, then helping them land with the right carrier. Let us start locating qualified drivers that fit your company today.

I’m Interested in learning more about TD Sales,
TD Dispatch or TD Driver Connect